Employment Contract’s Six-month Time Limit For Filing Suit Was Invalid
In the case of Ellis v. U.S. Security Associates, the California Court of Appeal disagreed with the trial court’s ruling dismissing the plaintiff’s claims against her former employer as being time-barred, based on a six-month limitation provision contained in the employment application form. The appellate court determined that the employer’s shortened limitation provision was unreasonable and against public policy and ordered the plaintiff’s claims to be reinstated.
Background And Procedural History
The plaintiff worked for the employer from 2009 to 2011. She started as a security guard.
After she was promoted to the position of field training officer, her new supervisor began harassing her with a pattern of offensive and unwanted sexual behavior at work
The Court Of Appeal’s Ruling
The Court of Appeal concluded that the employer’s shortened limitation provision was unreasonable and against public policy. A contractually shortened limitation period is unreasonable unless it provides sufficient time for a party to investigate the claim and file suit. The employer’s agreement provided insufficient time to the plaintiff to protect her statutory rights and was inconsistent with the state’s policy to protect and safeguard the rights of employees against discrimination.
Three of the plaintiff’s claims were based on the Fair Employment and Housing Act. The suit alleged claims for sexual discrimination and harassment, retaliation, and a failure on the part of the employer to maintain an environment that was free from sexual harassment. Under the Act, prior to filing a discrimination suit, the employee must first file charges with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing and obtain a right-to-sue letter from the Department.
Under the statutory provisions the plaintiff had one year from Dec. 2010, when she obtained the right-to-sue letter from the Department, to file the discrimination claims. The other nonstatutory claims were subject to a two-year statute of limitations. The plaintiff’s suit was filed in Nov. 2011, and was timely under the applicable statutory limitation provisions.
Contact An Attorney
Individuals pursuing claims against a past or present employer are urged to seek the professional services of a competent attorney who is experienced in such matters to ensure that their rights are fully protected.