What Are My Rights as an Employee in Irvine, California?

California is home to millions of people working across all industries, and unfortunately, many of these people encounter legal problems with their employers that manifest in many different ways. As an employee, you have many rights protected at the state and federal levels. When an employer violates these rights, you can take legal action to seek accountability for any damage they have caused. Many employees in Irvine, CA are unaware of the full scope of employment rights they have, and many experience various forms of mistreatment due to this lack of awareness. Others endure persistent mistreatment in various ways.

2022-08-09T16:21:05+00:00July 15th, 2022|

What Happens If You Start a New Job and Find Out You’re Pregnant?

Pregnancy comes with many changes and requires some recovery and adjustment time, which will impact your job. If you’ve worked at your company for over one year and you work somewhere with more than 50 employees, the federal Family Medical Leave Act will likely allow you to take up to 12 weeks of leave after having a baby. This is great for those who are established in their positions – but what happens if you find out you’re pregnant after starting a new job? Pregnancy Discrimination Act In 1978, an amendment was made to the Civil Rights Act that

2022-07-19T17:14:48+00:00June 30th, 2022|

Can You Terminate a Pregnant Employee?

Pregnant women have laws that protect them from being terminated from their job simply based on being pregnant or having given birth. Being pregnant, however, does not make you immune to termination for other reasons. Employers can terminate pregnant employees if they violate the terms of their contract, demonstrate poor work performance, break policies, etc. So, while it is illegal to fire someone for being pregnant, pregnancy does not guarantee that you won’t lose your job for another reason. Pregnancy Discrimination Act An amendment made to the Civil Rights Act in 1978 grants pregnant women the right to work.

2023-12-30T02:36:11+00:00June 29th, 2022|

COVID-19 Test Reporting at Work: What You Need to Know

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread illness across the state of California, all employees are rightfully concerned about their safety at work. Understanding your rights and personal responsibilities as an employee so that you can protect yourself and your coworkers is crucial. Here's what you must know about COVID-19 test reporting at work. Do You Need to Report a Positive COVID-19 Test at Work? If you test positive for COVID-19, the first thing you should do is notify your employer as soon as possible. You are not required to give your employer your medical information, but you should

2022-06-29T18:37:23+00:00May 16th, 2022|

Can I Be Forced to Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has many people across the globe worried about their health and safety. This is especially true in California, which is the most densely populated state in the U.S. With so many people living and working near one another, many worry that they could contract the virus at work. Even more so, some are worried that their employers will force them to work even if they don’t feel safe or face wrongful termination. Can I Be Forced to Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic? If you work in an essential industry, then your employer could require you to come

2022-11-14T18:23:34+00:00May 15th, 2022|

What Is California At-Will Employment?

The labor laws in California assume that all employees are employed at will. At-will employment means an employer can fire an employee at any time without any reason or notice. It is at their “will” to terminate any worker. However, an employee can leave at any time with or without reason if they are at-will. The reason for termination is defined by the word “cause” in labor laws. A cause is thought to be a good reason that is not regulated by any authority. Employers are not often asked to go in front of a court and prove they had

2022-11-14T18:23:48+00:00April 16th, 2022|

Is It Illegal to Threaten to Fire an Employee?

When it comes to work, we all want to feel secure in our positions, and no one wants to be constantly looking over their shoulder, worried that they might get fired at any moment. Unfortunately, in today’s economy, job insecurity is a very real thing for many people. If your boss is threatening to fire you, that pressure can be enormous. While you might not be able to do anything about the overall job market, if you find yourself in a situation where your boss is threatening to fire you, you may be able to take action. In California, it

2024-05-05T18:25:10+00:00April 15th, 2022|

Can You Sue Your Employer for Causing a Nervous Breakdown?

Some people are surprised to find that the term “nervous breakdown” is not actually a specific medical diagnosis, nor does it have a clear definition under the law. This is to say, it does not refer to any particular behavioral disorder or mental health crisis. In fact, the phrase has become something of a taboo among many modern mental and behavioral health professionals. Much of the older language used for speaking about mental and emotional health carries a great deal of stigma due to historical attitudes around these issues. As our understanding of mental health deepens and our cultural

2022-06-29T18:42:41+00:00March 16th, 2022|

How Do You Prove Emotional Distress at Work?

Emotional distress, like many other conditions with no outwardly visible symptoms, can be hard to prove. When employers, friends, family members, or even medical professionals don’t seem to take your mental turmoil seriously, it can leave you feeling alone and more emotionally distressed than ever. Emotional distress is not in itself a specific medical condition but a broad term that may refer to any significant mental anguish that can take on a variety of forms and manifest as a variety of symptoms. While some suffer chronic emotional distress as part of their overall mental health, it can often be

2022-06-29T18:22:49+00:00March 15th, 2022|

How Do You Prove Favoritism at Work?

Regardless of the many federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination in the workplace, decades of evidence indicates that favoritism is alive and well in many companies. From providing more opportunities to certain employees for career training or development to giving them better performance reviews without justification, managers and supervisors across the nation practice favoritism every day. Worse, some employers recognize these unfair practices as wrong and detrimental to the overall work culture, but continue playing favorites anyway. If you suspect your boss favors certain employees over others and this mistreatment has negatively impacted your life, review the information

2022-06-29T18:00:12+00:00February 16th, 2022|
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