California Military Service Discrimination Attorneys

Individuals choose to join the armed forces without realizing they might face discrimination in the workplace. If you or a loved one was discriminated against due to service member status, it is crucial that you work with a skilled lawyer to ensure that you receive the proper legal protection.

At California Employment Counsel, APC, we focus all of our attention on ensuring that employees are treated fairly in the workplace. If decisions about your performance, promotion or hiring were based on your inclusion in a protected class — race, age, gender or veteran status, for example — you might be entitled to recover monetary compensation. If you have suffered military service discrimination or veteran discrimination, contact our firm.

USERRA And Workplace Protections

Discrimination can come in many forms. A member of the armed forces has numerous restrictions on his or her time that can open him or her up to workplace discrimination. Fortunately, the government enacted the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) in 1994. This act states that members of the armed forces cannot be denied re-employment, retention or promotion based on membership. Whether you are a veteran, reservist or member of the National Guard, the USERRA might apply to your unique situation.

Contact Military Discrimination Lawyers at California Employment Counsel, APC

If you were discriminated against based on your veteran status or your employer failed to honor your military leave, you might be entitled to legal protection.

Contact us online or call (714) 462-8376 or toll free at 866-545-2415 for a free consultation. In Orange County and throughout the state, California Employment Counsel, APC, represents plaintiffs on a contingency fee basis; no attorney fees unless we recover compensation.

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Why Speak Up In California

You should never be afraid to assert your
rights as an employee