
How Do You Prove Favoritism at Work?

February 16th, 2022|

Regardless of the many federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination in the workplace, decades of evidence indicates that favoritism is alive and well in many companies. From providing more opportunities to certain employees for career training or development to giving them better performance reviews without justification, managers and supervisors across the nation practice favoritism every day. Worse, some employers recognize these unfair practices as wrong and detrimental to the overall work culture, but continue playing favorites anyway. If you suspect your boss favors certain employees over others and this mistreatment has negatively impacted your life, review the information below to determine if you are entitled to pursue legal recourse in a workplace discrimination claim. Signs of Workplace Favoritism

Can I Sue My Employer for Favoritism?

February 15th, 2022|

Employers can violate employment law in a variety of ways. Common violations include neglecting to hire a qualified candidate because of their gender identity, passing someone over for a promotion due to their religion, refusing to approve protected medical leave, or punishing employees for reporting illegal activities. Such unethical actions severely limit opportunities for workers who deserve them. They also create a reverberating impact on the entire work environment. Seeing others benefit—not from merit or ability, but from being on the boss’s “good side”—lowers morale, disincentivizes productivity, and breeds resentment. When Does Favoritism Become Illegal? Although it is unfair and upsetting when managers favor one employee over others because of their personality, connections, or factors other than ability and merit,

What Are the Three Basic Elements of Discrimination in Employment?

January 30th, 2022|

Discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue. It can take many different forms and can have a devastating impact on employees. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and with respect in the workplace, but unfortunately, this does not always happen. To make sure that your business complies with the law, it’s essential to understand the three basic elements of discrimination in employment. By understanding what these elements are, you can take steps to ensure that your workplace is free from discrimination and a place where anyone can feel comfortable and safe to do good work and put their best foot forward. Element 1: A Decision Was Not Made on an Individual’s Merit One of the essential elements of

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