
What Happens If An Employee Works Unauthorized Overtime?

September 4th, 2021|

Being an employer is challenging. There are a lot of rules and regulations to follow and strict consequences if you fail to do so. It can feel extremely confusing to traverse the strict laws surrounding employment. One area that is especially strict and leaves no room for error is overtime pay. Overtime is a facet of wage law, and violations in this arena can mean wage theft claims and potential legal action. Of course, as an employer, you would like to avoid such a situation and ensure that you are paying your employees correctly. However, employees can be hard to manage, and they sometimes violate the standards that you have set forth for your business. Whether you are approaching

Can You Sue For Not Getting Paid Overtime?

September 4th, 2021|

When you clock into work, you are entering an agreement with your employer that your labor will be exchanged for money. No matter your field, the rigor of your job, or the type of workplace, this is the essence of employment. Usually, this exchange is fairly standard, and both parties honor their end of the bargain. Unfortunately, in some cases, one side does not uphold their end of this agreement, and legal action needs to be taken. One such occurrence is an employer’s failure to pay overtime wages. There are strict laws about how many hours you can work, and if your employer violates these laws, you have the right to ask the law to see that they make things

What Are The Four Types of Discrimination In The Workplace?

July 9th, 2021|

No person deserves to feel unsafe or unwelcome in their place of employment—whether due to racial discrimination, instances of sexual harassment, or unsavory practices. Unfortunately, employment and workplace discrimination continues to occur on a regular basis, with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) receiving 67,448 complaints in 2020 alone. When combined with state and local complaints—as well as the numerous incidents that remain unreported—it is clear that fighting workplace discrimination is an ongoing battle. Are you concerned that you, someone close to you, or even a coworker have been experiencing workplace discrimination, but are unsure what qualifies? Continue reading for a brief overview of the four primary types of discrimination, as well as several real-world discrimination examples. Then, contact

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